Buffalo, New York announced as the next Host
Society for 2005 North American Indigenous Games
Building on the successes of the 2002 North American Indigenous Games, the
process for preparing our communities to participate in the 2005 NAIG has
already begun. Discussions with both leadership and government are now
under way to ensure the participation of Team Mi'kmaw Nova Scotia in Buffalo,
New York for the 2005 North American Indigenous Games.
Discussions with various governmental bodies and proposed funding mechanisms
have been put on the Tripartite government tables as we work towards developing
a framework of partnerships for participation in the 2005 NAIG.
Just recently in May 2003, the organization participated in one of the first
official NAIG Council Annual General Assemblies after the announcement of the
NAIG 2005. These meetings were held in Buffalo, NY and invited guests
along with NAIG Council representatives were given a tour of the NAIG 2005
proposed facilities and venues as well as a tour of the housing facilities
available at the five proposed universities.
For more information on NAIG 2005, please visit their website at:
On a local level here in Nova Scotia, the buzz has started around the
announcement of the next NAIG 2005 games and athletes, coaches and communities
are now starting to ask about how we plan on preparing to attend these
games. With this in mind, our organization is planning on hosting a regional NAIG Brainstorming Session to be held
the day after the NSMSRC Awards Banquet sometime in July 2003.
Representatives of both community, regional and provincial levels will be
invited as well as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal political leaders in an effort
to educate and generate public support towards the goal of developing support
for the movement.
Stay tuned for more up to date information on NAIG 2005 and other initiatives
that we are planning in an effort to reach this goal for our communities.