The ASC Pilot Project is a combined initiative of the Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw
Sports & Recreation Circle in partnership with the Nova Scotia Sport &
Recreation Commission.
goal of activity school communities is for families, schools and community
organizations to work collaboratively to increase the opportunities for children
and youth to be physically active. An
active school community may be defined as _
One in which all citizens including teachers, students, parents,
administrators, and community leaders work together to create physical and
social environments which support active, healthy lifestyles _
One which supports policy, environment and initiatives that encourage
physical activity in the home, the school and the community. It
is recognized that initiatives need to begin at the readiness level of the
school and community and it may take some time to affect change at the broader
levels of interventions. Examples
of active school community initiatives
After school programs
Transportation i.e. safe routes to school
Physical environments i.e. playgrounds
Supportive curriculum i.e. physical education
Youth leadership programs Funding
Send email to robert.bernard@ns.sympatico.ca with questions or comments about this web site.